12 November 2008

Vacation is great!

Spent four days away from the daily routines, visiting my sister and family. Their church currently lacks a pastor (long story there) and the speaker was the sound man! He shared his (brutal) testimony, focusing on forgiveness. Which was a kicker of a message given the guy's background.

My brother-in-law leads worship and invited me (since he knew I was coming) to join the worship band Sunday morning. I added my violin and whistles to the musical texture. I muct admit I had a ball. It is especially gratifying to play with musicians who are very good at what they do, but also know how to play with others, and understand music. Not everyone played every song the same way, or even all the time.

Part of vacationing for me includes avoiding the news: I don't even read the newspaper. I came back to the office this morning, fired up my computer, and deleted about 100 emails, including four doomsday warnings that the FCC will imminently ban religious broadcasting fro TV and radio. This sucker has been around since 1975 and remains false. I also discovered that the pressing national news item on Yahoo.com is what breed of dog will live in the White House.

Come on! Like that's news?! But then, given our culture's obsession with celebrity, I shouldn't be surprised.

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