23 October 2008

Ouch, it's been a while...

I confess I'm really not trained to post as regularly as I should. I keep thinking I'll post when I'm sufficiently inspired, but when I am, I'm usually in the middle of something. That's why it's been couple of months since my last post.

Since that time, I've married off my oldest daughter (September), and finally saw a bill moose. I preached at church on ministry (nested between two missions weeks. That went real well. And I've done a lot of reading and formulating thoughts on ministry, small groups, church leadership, church in general, etc. And we squeezed some camping in on Columbus Day weekend.

I've mentioned before that I've been working on our church website. I revised the staff page to include links to full biographical write-ups. Mine includes a link to this blog.

Which means, I suppose, that I'm now going to have to post at least weekly!

1 comment:

Scott R. Davis said...

Nice web page that is homey and down to earth feeling for FBC. keep up the good work that you are doing for Him.

