21 February 2008

Total lunar eclipse

For the first time that I can remember, I witnessed a total lunar eclipse last night. I've seen pictures, so I knew what to expect, but seeing it transpire in real time was cool.

We left our small group last night and noticed the lower left edge of the moon was fuzzy, as the earth's penumbra was just "kissing" the moon's edge. Over the next hour or so, we watched as the shadow obscured more of the lunar disc, until finally it fully entered the umbra.

What was even more amazing was that when the moon emerged from the earth's shadow, it seemed a lot brighter than on any other night.

All I can say was that it was neat to be finally able to witness this event: it's usually during the wee hours, when I'm comfortably oblivious to astronomical phenomena.

1 comment:

Scott R. Davis said...

Yes. When I was on vacation in Maine in my parent's home on the shore, I stayed up past my bedtime walking around the living looking out at the window. Waiting for a dramatic happening after the event. Yet nothing happened. No big bang or come next year for our show. at least part of the trivia of what I did while growing up.

Peace to your family on your journey on faith. a well written post by a very smart scholar in creation. Peace scott