07 October 2007

No church Sunday. This is weird!

If you notice the timestamp on this post, you'll note it;s Sunday morning, and you may wonder, "Why isn't he in church? He's a pastor!"

We closed the church today for Faith In Action Sunday. We've encouraged our people to go out today and serve their community or neighbors is some small tangible way. The premise being the church doesn't exist for us. It exists to serve others. That's what Jesus meant by we are "salt and light." And we said that what we do doesn't have to be big.

So we're going to try and visit my wife's boss's father who lives in town and likely doesn't get any visitors other than family. He may say No, but we're going to try. We're also going down to the new cafe in town and hobnob with some of the townsfolk. That's something I'll likely touch on in another post.

1 comment:

Scott R. Davis said...

that would be a mighty early 1st service to arrive at 6;33. Yet we are commanded to be Matthew 6:33 relaters to God; To seek His kingdom first and all other stuff gets added on. thanks for the time stamp-it is biblical. So have a great week .