20 August 2007

Thoughts on technology and our puny brains

I was thinking about how the average person uses 3-4% of his or her brain capacity. A genius, like Albert Einstein, uses between 6-9% of brain capacity. Yet with that average "incompetence" we've learned to build, houses, high-rise apartments, skyscrapers suitable for over-sized apes to climb, ships, airplanes, and rockets. We've placed men on the moon, and crashed probes into Mars.We launch telescopes into space to extend our reach into the universe and obtain some astounding images from the far-reaches of space. And then there's stuff in the other direction: at the microscopic level, and at the atomic and sub-atomic level.

All this got me thinking that much of what we do technologically enables us to go faster, further, higher, deeper, whatever, than would be possible by natural means. Then I wondered: is this what the world was meant to support? Was this what God had in mind when he told Adam and Eve to "be fruitful and multiply and to fill the earth"? Image what Adam and Eve could have done with their perfect brain capacities if they hadn't mucked things up!

And finally, if it wasn't for technology, you wouldn't be reading these random thoughts of mine until after I'd convinced a book publisher they were worth the paper and expense. And after you'd bought the thing, and actually cracked the cover and...

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