18 April 2007

Two guys from church came over this afternoon and helped me remove the fallen tree next to the house. It came down, but not quite how we'd hoped it would. Fortunately, no windows were broken, just some loose paint "scraped" from the clapboard siding.

My daughter came home from her ethics class all "hot and bothered" because the topic of the day was abortion. Apparently, one person i nthe class was very vocal in her opposition to anyone in the class who did not support the practice. And the professor kept challenging anyone who cited religious beliefs to justify their position without using religion.

This is another example of the delusion of our culture that continues to believe we can lobotomize ourselves, effectively separating out mind and souls. The other problem with this trend is that it always places intellect above religion (aka spiritual) matters. The human mind becomes the measure. If we can't understand it or rationalize it, it is not worthy of consideration.

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