30 April 2008

A veritable potpourri...

According to my current reading list (to the right), I'm wading through two books at the same time. The first is Shopping for God: How Christianity Went From In Your Heart to In Your Face, by James B. Twitchell. The second is The Emotionally Healthy Church: A Strategy for Discipleship That Actually Changes Lives, by Peter Scazzero.

Shopping for God is a very interesting read: Twitchell is Professor of English and Advertising at the University of Florida. I like his style, which is a new notches short of, say, Ann Koulter. But with just as effective a punch, and little irreverence for spice.

Twitchell characterizes himself an apatheist (his term): as one who believes religion and faith are critical ingredients to society and culture, but he doesn't what form-or to use his term, brand--you use.

I'm only a quarter of the way through the book, but he does have some very insightful gems among the dirt. Here's one:

"...with the exception of furniture and major appliances, it is possible to outfit your entire self and home in Christian products--bird feeders to body lotions, luggage to lamps. It has been said that the medieval peasant lived surrounded by such iconography, from the door frames incorporating the cross, to his eating utensil laid out in the shape of a cross, to the cross on the church. We're coming close. Clearly, religiously informed objects are now a part of the modern scene, asserting their place in a multicultural world...

"...the statement is not about belief as much as about an entire lifestyle. The new Christian decked out like a bumper covered with stickers considers his faith not something to exercise on Sundays but something to do in public, in front of you. It's not something to believe in; it's something to wear."

Scazzero's Healthy Church book reads more like a personal testimonial. He describes his journey with his church, where it learned how to dig beneath the surface issues most churches prefer to stay with, and get to the root issues people really need to address. Chapters include:
  • Break the Power of the Past
  • Live in Brokenness & Vulnerability
  • Receive the Gift of Limits
  • Embrace Grieving & Loss
We may work through the book as a church sometime this summer or fall.

21 April 2008

Since my last post,...

For you three people or so who actually read this blog, I apologize for the long dormant period. Easter season was a "killer" at church. Right. Lame excuse, I suppose.

But I've taken on a new project: training people to run PowerPoint slides during services. I've been doing it since August 2007, not for lack of recruiting. But the last batch I lined up in September dissipated like so much campfire smoke. I have six people signed up to be trained. Since we have only one computer, I'm training people one-on-one, real-time. It seems to be working, albeit slow. The next phase is to train people to actually build the slideshows. I confess that will be harder for me to let go, since it offers me a creative outlet But I need to free the time for more important things.

After that, there's a constitution revision project, and an employee handbook to draft. We actually have five paid employees on staff! So it's time to formalize our employment practices.

I've also been slowly adding content to the church's new website: www.nhfaith.com. Check it out sometime.